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The Best Summer Programs for Kids in Hong Kong 2021 | Tatler Asia


學習不只限於校園內,近年都說終身學習,所強調的是一種態度。90後女生郭慕賢有着不一樣的求學歷程,也體驗過不同的學習模式,年前在哈佛大學修畢教育碩士,回港後成立創意空間Lifelong Labs,自言學習不應以年齡設限,3至99歲也可追夢。

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1. Look at art and stand in front of architecture 

You cannot say you are an artist if you do not look at other artists. Likewise, you can’t call yourself an aspiring architect if you do not even know other architects. Tumblr and Instagram do not count. They are good sources of inspiration, but you should be familiar with the contemporary giants. 


RTHK Radio

Radio RTHK 1, 2, 3 Show

Our founder Mo and director Ven were interviewed on RTHK Radio 3’s 1, 2, 3 Show. They shared their thoughts on why creativity has value no matter how old you are and how parents can learn more about their children through creative learning workshops.

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FM 90.3

Our founder Mo shares her inspiration and motivation for founding Lifelong Labs in these two episodes of 你好o野 with Chu Fun. Listen to learn how the philosophy behind our creative education centre was born and why this specific model of learning works for Hong Kong.


我從遠方來 我到你的夢中去 夢想實踐師—郭慕賢

郭慕賢生於1993年,笑起來眼睛像月牙一樣彎起來,很容易讓人感受到她的活力。「做人如果無夢想,同條鹹魚有咩分別呀?」自小在香港長大,Mo Kwok 愛看周星馳電影,除了將這句話掛在嘴邊,她甚至覺得自己很像《少林足球》中的那個「心中有一團火」的醬爆。

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