Hello, I am Summer. I enjoy photography and I like trying new things. My brother is a good model… so is my dad. In my next project, I will be quicker. I wish I could do all of it. One day, I will be a famous photographer.
The Shape of the Model, 2019. Inkjet on Paper
This is Kaiden. He is 6 years-old. He enjoys watching TV and playing LEGO.
Two Hands at the Same Time, 2019
Star Jump, 2019. Inkjet on Paper
My brother is star jumping, it is one of my favourites because I caught it just in time.
The Advertisement, 2019
The Look, 2019
J: What sort of Dad am I?
S: A great spectaccular dad.
S: Am I a good child?
J: You’re like an angel.
J: What did you enjoy the most about the photography course?
S: Enjoyed EVERYTHING, especially enjoyed you and Kaiden coming in and being my models.
S: Do you think you are a good dad?
J: No comment.
- END -
Toe Town, 2019
Topsy Turvy Upside Down, 2019
Plant Takeover, 2019
The Staring Model, 2019
Plant Stare, 2019
The Olden Days, 2019
Mini Plant, 2019
To Much Colour, 2019
Victory, 2019