Social Entreprise

Toys for All x Slam N’ Dunk


Hi everyone! I am Charles I am 12 Years old and I love science, coding and gaming. 😊I’m working on a project this summer called Toys For All a social enterprise dedicated of finding a better home for your toys and fundraising Refugee Union combating rising food prices and rent. I’ll be doing a collection with my teacher on Sunday 31st July for $170 pick up cost which 100% goes to the charity.

Will you be able to support one of the below:

  1. Toys to donate but will drop off to the Salvation Army directly (New or used toys but no plushies or toys that can build up bacteria.)

  2. Toys to donate with our $170 pick up service (Sunday 31st July. Time 10am-1pm. Exact time to be arranged)

  3. No toys but happy to donate $100 or more. All proceeds will go to charities in need such as Refugee Union.

  4. Participate in Slam N’ Dunk a charity basketball tournament held on Sunday 31st July, 2-5pm at Laguna Verde Hong Hum, tickets are HK$350, click here to register

Please Note: Before pick up, we require a picture of the toy and a brief description of the condition. Please WhatsApp 9603 6599

I hope to create a lasting change in the lives of those less fortunate across the world but starting right here at home first in Hong Kong.

I hope you can help in whatever way possible. Thank you in advance for your kind generosity in making my idea come to life!